Identify your purpose, core values, and core feelings.

Create “A Stunning Colleague Manifesto.”

Define what a great leader looks like in your company.
Are you a bit fuzzy about what your desired culture looks like?
You are not alone. Many growth-stage companies struggle to provide their employees with the clarity they need on who they are and what they truly stand for as a collective.
Their purpose and values statements often sound dry, generic, or inauthentic and, as a result, many employees struggle to see themselves in what is being professed as “this is us”. Performance, retention, and engagement suffer as a result.
So, how do you solve this problem?
In spite of what many consultants will tell you, a senior leadership retreat is NOT the answer.
There is a better way to uncover your authentic cultural identity, create outstanding clarity and a true sense of belonging.
It involves tapping into the collective wisdom of your team and the power of stories. By using my Fireside CHAT™, you’ll engage your whole organization in the process of uncovering what makes your organization unique and what helps it be successful today and in the future.
The final result is a Culture Playbook like no other – uniquely yours, perfectly suited to the needs of your team and your business.
Your playbook will make hiring, onboarding, training, planning, and decision-making exponentially easier – it’s the best initial investment that you can make in your culture.
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