Change outdated ways of working.

Generate more fun, meaning, and belonging.

Create an agile culture that improves itself.
Every change in your business is a unique opportunity to evolve your culture.
Whether good or bad, the changes that significantly impact your business disrupt the established patterns of working and interacting.
And this presents you with an opportunity to make your culture richer, more vibrant, and more supportive of the three vital Ps:
- People
- Performance
- Purpose
We help you keep your culture vibrant through the ongoing process of BECOMING.
Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward something.
The journey doesn’t end.
Michelle Obama
Most culture change projects fail…
Why? Predominantly because the vital work that needs to be done
is getting outsourced to a third party.
We flip the script and hire “culture consultants” from within your organization.
It’s your internal change agents (aka your CultureBrained® Leaders) who are responsible for taking your company on the journey of becoming.
Here’s how we help them succeed.
(Click on each letter to see the details about each stage of the process)
This is where we identify your starting point. We use our Culture Mapping methodology that includes bespoke surveys and qualitative data collection, to take a clear and in-depth assessment of your current culture: its main strengths and existing friction points.
Establish focus
This is where we look at the gap between your ideal and current culture and hone in on one vital keystone change. A keystone change is a type of change that creates an immediate positive impact on your culture while simultaneously starting a domino effect that paves the way for other improvements in your culture.
Chart the way
This stage is all about creating a detailed strategy and roadmap that lays out specific milestones and interventions that will allow you to bridge the gap between your current and ideal culture by focusing on the previously identified keystone change.
This is where the rubber meets the road. We start small and right where the real work happens – no theoretical training, bombastic campaigns, and massive and widely expensive roll-outs. Instead, we focus all our energy on the smallest possible group of people who can spread the desired behaviors and practices to others.
For your culture to keep evolving, we teach your CultureBrained Leaders how to use the BECOME process independently on an ongoing basis. You’ll get all the tools you need to keep moving forward as your business grows and evolves – because what got you here, won’t get you there. Additionally, your CultureBrained Leaders can join our community of practitioners.
This approach works but no need to take our word on it. We will show you how to perform pulse surveys to measure progress and help you decide how you want to keep evolving your culture so that it always supports your people, performance, and the purpose you serve as an organization.
This is where we identify your starting point. We use our Culture Mapping methodology that includes bespoke surveys and qualitative data collection, to take a clear and in-depth assessment of your current culture: its main strengths and existing friction points.
Establish focus
This is where we look at the gap between your ideal and current culture and hone in on one vital keystone change. A keystone change is a type of change that creates an immediate positive impact on your culture while simultaneously starting a domino effect that paves the way for other improvements in your culture.
Chart the way
This stage is all about creating a detailed strategy and roadmap that lays out specific milestones and interventions that will allow you to bridge the gap between your current and ideal culture by focusing on the previously identified keystone change.
This is where the rubber meets the road. We start small and right where the real work happens – no theoretical training, bombastic campaigns, and massive and widely expensive roll-outs. Instead, we focus all our energy on the smallest possible group of people who can spread the desired behaviors and practices to others.
For your culture to keep evolving, we teach your CultureBrained Leaders how to use the BECOME process independently on an ongoing basis. You’ll get all the tools you need to keep moving forward as your business grows and evolves – because what got you here, won’t get you there. Additionally, your CultureBrained Leaders can join our community of practitioners.
This approach works but no need to take our word on it. We will show you how to perform pulse surveys to measure progress and help you decide how you want to keep evolving your culture so that it always supports your people, performance, and the purpose you serve as an organization.